PLAION Support
Nobody Wants to Die
Player Support
General Information

What is Nobody Wants to Die? 

Nobody Wants to Die is an interactive noir story that explores immortality and the dangers of transhumanism, set in a dystopian New York City in the year 2329.

Can I change the difficulty of the game?

There are no preset levels of difficulty in Nobody Wants to Die to choose from.  

Where can I find the settings menu?

In-game: Press [START] button on your controller, or [ESC] on your keyboard. 
Main Menu: Select the ‘Settings’ option. 

What gameplay aspects can I adjust?  

From the settings menu you can adjust the following aspects to your liking: 

  • Crosshair size & colour: Increase your crosshair size or change your crosshair colour in Settings > Gameplay > Crosshair Size / Crosshair Colour. 
  • Sensitivity: Adjust sensitivity and deadzone in Settings > Controls.  
  • Limit excessive flashing: Limit excessive flashing in Settings > Gameplay > Limit excessive flashing. 
  • Subtitles: Enable/disable subtitles in Settings > Gameplay > Subtitles. 
  • Dialogue skip: Choose press or hold [keybind] to dialogue skip in Settings > Gameplay > Dialogue skip. 
  • Language: You can change the language of the game to any of the supported languages in Settings > Gameplay > Language. 

How do I save the game and access saves?

Nobody Wants to Die has an auto-save feature that activates at key checkpoints. This means you will not need to manually save your progress. You can load your most recent save progress from the Main Menu by selecting ‘CONTINUE’ or previous checkpoints by selecting ‘LOAD GAME’ and choosing a slot to start from. 

How do I know if my game has saved progress?

You will see the Ouroboros (snake) icon in the lower right-hand corner of the screen when the game is actively saving your progress at key checkpoints. 

How do I select/change gadgets?

Hold [TAB | Y | TRIANGLE], move your cursor to the desired gadget, then release the button to select. 

How do I use the reconstructor (time manipulation gadget)?

You can reconstruct fragments of the event based on the information collected. By default: 

Hold [Left-click | LT/R1] when the left bar is active. Hold [right-click | RT/R2] when the right bar is active. Simultaneously hold [left and right-click | LT + RT/ R1 + R2] when both bars are active. 

The Reconstructor allows you to rewind time. The yellow area in the Reconstructor indicates the moment when something significant happened. Hold [ ’Q’ | LT/L2] to move the indicator to the yellow area in the Reconstructor. If you have moved the indicator too far, hold  [’E’ | RT/R2] to return to the relevant moment.  

Enter the anomaly zone (the fragmented golden sphere) to look for more traces. 

How do I use the x-ray gadget?

Hold [right-click /LT/L2] to reveal hidden clues. Follow the clue to the source. When you find the source, aim at it while holding [right-click | RT/R2] to scan it.  

How do I use the UV lamp gadget?

The UV lamp allows you to discover traces on surfaces Hold [left-click | LT/L2] and explore the area with the lamp to discover traces. Follow the traces to find more leads. 

How do I know if my choice has impacted the storyline?

An indicator will appear in the upper left corner when you make a storyline-impacting decision. 

Does Nobody Wants to Die have a photo mode?

No, Nobody Wants to Die has no photo mode. 

What engine is Nobody Wants to Die made with?

Nobody Wants to Die was developed using Unreal Engine 5. 

What controllers does Nobody Wants to Die support?

Nobody Wants to Die has full controller support. 

How do I report a bug/crash?

Please first ensure your operating system or console is up to date. For PC players, please ensure device drivers (graphics card, soundcard, and motherboard) are also up to date.  

If you find a bug in Nobody Wants To Die, or find something you think isn’t working as intended, please let us know through our Ticket Form and provide the following details to help us help you.

Email Address: Please provide us with your email address so that we can reach out to you if further information is needed.
Subject: Please give a short description of the issue you are having.
Preferred Language: Please select which language you are playing in.
Game: Select Nobody Wants To Die.
Platform: Select the platform you encountered the issue on.
Inquiry Type: Please select the drop down “Report a bug”  

Description: Here you can give us more details regarding the issue you are experiencing

  • What happened?
  • Where it happened?
  • What platform?
  • Steps to reproduce

(Optional but helpful information can include what quest you currently had tracked, current progress through the story, and/or any other information you think is useful to identify the problem).

Attachments: Here you can leave screenshots and videos (or a dxdiag, msinfo export if you are playing on PC) of the issue. This is an optional field but highly appreciated!

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